i will select this beautiful template
for my free website and this is how my
website looks
hey guys i'm ron and today i'll be
showing you how to make a website for
and the best part is that you don't need
any coding skills whatsoever
so let's get started first things first
a website requires a domain name and a
hosting service to get live on the
internet now there are two ways to start
making a website either you can buy a
domain name
and a hosting service from a service
provider in this case you will get a
free domain name with extensions like
dot com.net and others you can get both
the services for free with some basic
name will have a second level domain
name which we will be seeing soon
as promised i will guide you through the
second way to make a free website
so without any further ado let's begin
for the sake of simplicity i have
divided this tutorial into three parts
getting a domain name and hosting
installing wordpress
and customizing our website apart from
the above i have a bonus step for you at
the end of this tutorial
it will guide you through on how to
optimize your site for your target
so watch this video till the end to know
the secret recipe of making and
optimizing your free website before
getting started with the first part i
would like to tell you about the role of
the domain name
and the hosting service domain name is
the name of your website
in other words it's what the people will
type in the url
to search your website for instance
google's domain name is google.com
facebook is facebook.com and youtube is
youtube.com and a hosting service
provider provides you with the space
needed to store your web files
now that you know what's a domain name
and a hosting service
so let's begin with the first part of
this tutorial part one getting a free
domain name and hosting
a domain name can cost you anywhere from
99 cents and go up to hundreds and
thousands of dollars
however with pro free host you can get
it for free
further it also offers free hosting
so let's go to profreehose.com
we need to create an account first to do
that i will click on register now
all you need is an email address for
and a password so i'll quickly type in
an email address and password
and click on tick and i've successfully
created my account
but i will have to activate it first to
do that i will login to my email first
and click on the email by profreehost
now i will click on activate account
now as you can see my account has been
now that we have an account we can move
ahead with the next step
domain registration to choose a domain
name we need to click on
create new account now we need to choose
a domain name
i will try something random as it's just
a tutorial video
let's say cafe books
the domain name is available now we have
an option to change our domain names
we have two options aziro.com and unox
however i will go with unox
and now let's scroll down and click on
the tick button over here to claim our
domain name
the best part is that pro free host also
offers a free hosting service
so we can directly move on to the next
step which is installing wordpress
for those who are new to wordpress it's
a platform that allows you to create and
customize your website
you don't need any coding skills to use
wordpress installation of wordpress will
also make our website live
so now we can directly go over to
installing wordpress let's click on
and on control panel
now we have a disclaimer message asking
for my permission to enable
email notifications i will click on i
and we are at pro free host control
let's scroll down and click on the
softaculous apps installer
let's hover over wordpress and click on
now we can scroll down
and fill in the admin username
now you can either change the password
or use the same just make sure that you
save the credentials somewhere for the
i will copy them on my sticky notes app
for now
and after scrolling down i will click on
this setup takes a couple of minutes
and wordpress has been successfully
installed we have a link to our website
let's click on it
as you can see our website is now live
however it doesn't look good
it may seem too basic or may not even
look like a website to you now
don't worry we will edit it and make it
attractive in no time
and that brings us to the final part
which is customizing our website
to start editing we need to login to our
wordpress dashboard
i just need to add wp admin to my site's
and press enter now i need to copy the
username and password that i saved
on my sticky notes app and click on
and now i am redirected to the wordpress
this is the place where we can modify
our site
i will show you how for the starters i
will show you how to install
a theme a theme is a design that allows
you to customize the appearance of your
the advantage of using a theme is that
we don't have to design
a site from scratch let me show you how
i will go to appearances and click on
themes and now let's click on
add new and let's search for the theme
this is the theme that i am looking for
i will now click on install
our theme has now been installed i'll
click on activate
as you can see astra has been installed
let's click on get started
and now we need to select a website
builder from here
so i will choose elementor as my
preferred site builder
over here we have several designs that
we can use for our site
we can also filter out the design
categories by clicking on the drop down
over here i will click on block
as you can see we have filtered out all
the blog templates
however i like this one fashion
lifestyle block
this template has the home page the blog
page and the contact page
i like this template i'll click on
import complete site to import it
and click on import we can skip this
and our site is getting imported
let's now click on view site
as you can see this is the template that
we just imported
i'll scroll down and see the new look of
my site
let's have a look at other pages as well
i will click on
let's also view the contact page
now you might have noted that the
default text has been imported along
with the theme
as well so how do we edit that don't
worry i will show you how to customize
your site's content next
edit the content of any page we just
need to click on the edit with elementor
present on the top over here let's say i
wish to edit my home page
to do that i will go to home page and
click on the edit with elementor option
and that brings us to elementor's
editing section
elementor allows one click editing
option to the users
let's check it out suppose i wish to
change the title
here all i need to do is select the text
and write my own version of the text
let's say
free website similarly we can also
change the other features of our title
such as the color or the alignment of
the text
for starters i will show you how to
change the color of this text
i will hover over to style and choose
the text color option
next we will click on the text color and
select a suitable color for our title
i will go with this one next i will show
you how we can edit this button
i will change it from read more to free
and it's done
let's scroll a bit
next i wish to change the image over
let's click on this image and hover over
this option and select
choose image now i'll select files from
my computer
this is the image that i wish to choose
let's now click on insert media
as you can see the image has been
updated now i'll click on the update
button over here
the changes have been updated let's
click on preview changes to view
our site this is how our site looks now
next let's see how to edit our site's
header and the footer section
let's start with the header section
first to do that
i will click on customize
now we can edit the header by clicking
on the pencil icon
let's click on it and click on change
we can now change the logo of our
website by choosing an image from our
let's click on select files this is the
logo that i wish to use for my website
next i'll click on select
next we can rescale the logo as per our
needs once we are done rescaling we can
click on crop image
and we have the new logo over here
similarly you can edit
other header sections by just a clip i
will now adjust the logo width
to optimize the look of my site
to save the changes i will click on the
publish button over here
now let's click on the cross button to
verify the changes on our site
as you can see the changes have been
reflected on our site
moving on let's see how to edit the
footer section of our site
for that i will click on customize
and then i'll scroll down
this is the footer section of our site
to edit it i'll simply click on footer
and then on footaba now i wish to change
the section 1 custom text
to do that i'll simply delete the text
and change it to copyright at free
and the changes have been updated on our
site next to remove other photo elements
i'll click on section 2 and change it to
none and lastly i wish to move the
copyright free website option to the
to do that i'll simply click on this
option over here
now to save the changes i'll click on
the publish button on the top
i'll click on the cross button to go
back to our site
as you can see the changes have been
reflected on our site
moving on let me show you how to add a
new page to your site
to do that i'll hover over to new and
click on
next we need to add a page title for our
let's say free website design
i will design the rest of the page with
the help of elementor
so let's click on edit with elementor
this time i will introduce you to
elementor in some detail
i hope you have all your creative juices
flowing so let's begin
designing from scratch with elementor on
the left side of this page you can see
the various elements available in
the best part about these elements is
that you can just drag and drop them to
your page
let me show you how suppose i wish to
add a heading text
i can do so by dragging the heading text
from here and dropping it over here
i can also change the text
and change it to free website templates
let's say that i wish to change the
color of the heading
to do that i will click on style
and hover over to text color and click
on this box
and choose a suitable color for the
and this color looks just fine next i
wish to add an image
to do that i'll simply click on this
plus icon over here
and select a suitable structure for my
i'll be selecting this structure for now
next i'll click on plus
and drag and drop the image element from
the left menu bar
now i'll click on choose image and
choose a suitable image from my computer
i'll click on select files
this is the image that i wish to use
next i'll click on insert media
and here's our website template now i
wish to add a new button next to our
to do that i'll simply hover over
and drag and drop a button element from
the left
and it's that simple so now i would like
to change the text of my button
to do that i'll just click on it
and simply type in click to download
now if i wish to change the color of my
i would simply hover over to style
and click on the box next to the
background color button
now you can try various combinations and
choose your favorite color
i will however go with black for now
now i wish to change the alignment of
this button
so i'll simply hover over to the button
and click on the layout icon
and then on the vertical align i'll set
the default to
so this is how you change the alignment
of your button now this is one way to
design a page
there is another simpler way to use a
ready-made template
which i have intentionally saved for the
end of this video
which is using a ready-made template to
do that simply click on the starter
templates icon
over here and as you can see there are
many templates for us to choose from
let's select it
this is how the template looks
so now i'll click on import template to
import it to my site
as you can see this is how the design
template looks on our site
not bad right but however you might have
that the default text of our website has
been imported along with the template
now the best part about these design
templates is that they come with easy
editing features
you just need to select the section
which you choose to edit
for instance if i wish to change this
text i'll simply click on it
and change it to free website templates
let's scroll down
and let's say if you wish to remove an
entire section
then we'll simply click on the cross
icon on the top
and to update the changes i'll simply
click on the update button over here
you can view the page by clicking on
preview changes
so this is how our free website
templates page looks like
similarly you can add and edit other
pages on your website
now some of you might be wondering how
to get a dot com extension instead
of.aziro.com well there is a way for
that too
but it requires you to purchase a new
domain name
to know how to avail a fully custom
domain name you can check the i button
over here
now that we have discussed domain name
hosting service website building and
site migration
let's move on to the bonus step of this
tutorial search engine optimization
or popularly known as seo if you are new
to this then let me tell you about it
in brief the ultimate purpose of your
website is to reach
maximum number of audience your audience
can interact with your site
and its content if it ranks well on the
search results
and that's where seo helps seo is the
process of optimizing your website's
content so that people can easily
discover it
in their search results now that we have
understood the purpose of seo the next
question is
how do we go about doing it now seo is a
on its own but i will tell you the key
practices that will help you boost your
site's ranking on a search engine try
images and videos to make your site
interactive visual content has better
reach than text
however don't forget to compress the
images and videos
as it will make your site light and load
faster refrain from the overuse of
plugins are analogous to software that
enhance the potential of your wordpress
for instance yoast is a great plugin for
and i would recommend you to use it the
point is to keep a minimalistic approach
when it comes to using plugins
it will keep your site light and fast
include social media icons on your site
for instance the use of facebook and
twitter on your site can greatly enhance
the sharing potential of your site
further focusing on in-depth and
resourceful content is a great way to
enhance your organic reach
that's all for today i hope this video
helped you to design your own website
from scratch
feel free to write us in the comment
section if you still got any queries
also do share your experience making a
website with us
we will be glad to hear from you don't
forget to give this video a thumbs up if
you like this tutorial and also
subscribe to our channel for more
exciting content
till then have a great time bye bye
English (auto-generated)